Municipal Court
Municipal Court Online Payments
This online service allows you to resolve certain cases without the necessity of a court appearance. All transactions will be prepared for the Judge's review and approval. You will not receive notification, but can view your status online and or by contacting
the Court.
Deferred Disposition
You may now request Deferred Disposition, and will only be prompted with a check box if you are eligible. Deferred Disposition will add an additional $20 Special Expense Fee to your final total. If you choose to only pay the original fine/costs, a final Judgment
will be entered and this will result in a conviction on your driving record. If you have multiple violations you will only be eligible for Deferred on one if prompted with a check box.
Defensive Driving
If you are requesting Defensive Driving you must call the Municipal Court to confirm your eligibility. Paying your fine without making previous arrangements with the Municipal Court will result in a conviction on your driving record and automatically forfeits
any right to request defensive driving or deferred disposition.
Entering a plea
If you wish to contest your citation (plead Not Guilty) you must appear in person before the Judge on or before the appearance date and time on your citation.
This online payment process requires you to enter a plea of guilty or no contest(nolo contendere), and to waive your right to a jury trial. If you have questions regarding your plea you should visit the Municipal Court website for more explanations or contact an attorney for legal advice.
Information Needed to Pay Online
Not all violations are eligible to be paid online. If you have questions regarding your ability to pay online please contact the Municipal Court for assistance. An online convenience fee of $2.50 will be added to every online payment transaction. Payment
for multiple violations on the same online transaction will incur only one online convenience fee.
The online payment system will require you to enter data in all caps, and will require you to have your Citation number and date of birth, or your Driver's License number and date of birth to access the information for payments.
Parking violations will require the License Plate number of the vehicle on the citation.
Warrants Paid Online
You may pay an active warrant of arrest using this on-line payment system; however, you are still subject to arrest until the Judge has accepted your payment. The court typically receives payments on the next business day; however, you should call the Court
at 817-427-6740 if you have questions regarding the payment status for a warrant. Please be sure to print a receipt and keep with you for proof of payment until you can verify the information with the Court.
Juveniles(16 and under)- and Minors (Under 21) with Alcohol related offenses CANNOT use the online payment service. These cases are required by Texas State Law to appear before the Court in person. If 16 and under you must appear in Court with a parent or legal guardian.
Municipal Court Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Judges Hours
Scheduled by Appointment
Prosecutor Hours
Scheduled by Appointment
Municipal Court Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Judges Hours
Scheduled by Appointment
Prosecutor Hours
Scheduled by Appointment