Harlingen, TX

Harlingen Municipal Court

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If you are an attorney, defendant, witness, or juror required to appear in court, and you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, have a fever, or are coughing or sneezing, please do not come to court. Instead, please contact the court by: (1) calling the courtroom deputy clerk at (956) 216-5121 or (2) emailing the courtroom deputy clerk at hgncourt@harlingentx.gov

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If you are an attorney, defendant, witness, or juror required to appear in court, and you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, have a fever, or are coughing or sneezing, please do not come to court. Instead, please contact the court by: (1) calling the courtroom deputy clerk at (956) 216-5121 or (2) emailing the courtroom deputy clerk at hgncourt@harlingentx.gov