City of Golden

Municipal Court

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The Golden Municipal Court allows you to make your payment online if your citation is marked as payable.  Below are your advisement of your rights:

1.  I have the right to be represented by an attorney at my own expense.

2.  I have the right to deny the allegations on my ticket and have a final hearing.

3.  I have the right to remain silent and any statements made by me may be used against me.

4.  I have the right to testify, subpoena witnesses, present evidence and cross-examine any witnesses.

5.  My plea and any answer must be voluntary and not the result of undue influence or coercion by anyone.

6.  I understand the City Attorney must prove my guilt or liability beyond a reasonable doubt.

7.  If found guilty or liable, I have a right to appeal.

An admission of guilt or liability consitutes a waiver of the foregoing rights and any right to appeal.

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Court Information


The Golden Municipal Court allows you to make your payment online if your citation is marked as payable.  Below are your advisement of your rights:

1.  I have the right to be represented by an attorney at my own expense.

2.  I have the right to deny the allegations on my ticket and have a final hearing.

3.  I have the right to remain silent and any statements made by me may be used against me.

4.  I have the right to testify, subpoena witnesses, present evidence and cross-examine any witnesses.

5.  My plea and any answer must be voluntary and not the result of undue influence or coercion by anyone.

6.  I understand the City Attorney must prove my guilt or liability beyond a reasonable doubt.

7.  If found guilty or liable, I have a right to appeal.

An admission of guilt or liability consitutes a waiver of the foregoing rights and any right to appeal.