Chattanooga, TN

Chattanooga City Court

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Search violations

When inquiring on citations capitalize all alpha characters, there should be no dashes or spaces. The date of birth must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

FOR CITY COURT PARKING TICKETS ONLY  - You must search for parking tickets using the tag number on the VEHICLE INFORMATION tab. 

If you have questions regarding a parking meter violation please contact The Chattanooga Parking Authority 423-648-4031.

Need help?
(423) 643-7541

When inquiring on citations capitalize all alpha characters, there should be no dashes or spaces. The date of birth must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

FOR CITY COURT PARKING TICKETS ONLY  - You must search for parking tickets using the tag number on the VEHICLE INFORMATION tab. 

If you have questions regarding a parking meter violation please contact The Chattanooga Parking Authority 423-648-4031.